12999 Plaza Drive
US 44130 Cleveland
Frau Nancy Faulhaber

Bulk Brazing Alloys

Bulk Brazing Alloys

We stock pre-packaged bulk items in various standard alloys and forms that allow quick shipping.

Bulk brazing wire is available in silver (BAg-alloys) and silverphos (BCuP-alloys) alloys in .062" (1/16") and .094 (1/32") diameters. Our standard packaging is 25lb spools but can be custom upon request.

Bulk brazing rod is available in silver (BAg-alloys) and silverphos (BCuP-alloys) alloys in .062" (1/16") and .094 (1/32") diameters, most commonly at 18" or 36" lengths .Rods can be flag-tagged upon request.

Bulk brazing strip is available in cadmium-free and cadmium-bearing silver (BAg-alloys) and silverphos (BCuP-alloys) alloys. Standard strip sizes include 1/4" to 3" but can be custom. Our standard packaging is 25lb spools but can be custom upon request.



Brazing Rings

Brazing Rings

P&I designs and manufactures brazing rings to customer-defined specifications. Our rings help provide accurate braze volume control and improve consistency during the joining process yielding a higher-quality braze joint while reducing alloy consumption. Our manufacturing capabilities allow us to produce many ring types ensuring more efficient and higher-quality braze joints.


Brazing Preforms

Brazing Preforms

Brazing preforms are high-quality, precision metal forms that are either manufactured from cut, formed, and cold-headed wire or stamped from brazing strip (ribbon, foil, or tape). Preforms are used for various metal joining applications. They have become a staple for many OEM manufacturers because of their ease of use, consistency, quality, and productivity in metal joining applications. Our onsite precision machine and tooling shop allows us to manufacture preforms to any specification.


Brazing Powder & Paste

Brazing Powder & Paste

Brazing alloys are manufactured in various forms to suit the unique needs of the desired application. From these available forms, engineers aim to select the most cost-effective method for delivering the filler metal to the braze joint; this is often done through braze paste. Brazing pastes have become a popular, cost-effective solution because of their manufacturability and versatility, joining even the most complex geometries of base parts.

Braze paste begins as a two-part system, a filler metal in powder form and a vehicle (binder). The brazing filler metal is converted to powder form by pouring the molten state of the alloyed metal through an atomization tower. The binder is a temporary means of delivering the brazing filler metal in powder form to the braze joint until the liquidus can flow into the joint by the capillary.


Flux Integrated Products

Flux Integrated Products

ChannelFlux(R) | Flux Cored | Flux Coated

Prince & Izant's flux integrated products streamline your manufacturing process by combining alloy and flux applications into a single step. Products are available in rod, ring, washer, and custom preforms.


Brazing Flux

Brazing Flux

Molten brazing alloys require a clean surface on which to flow if they are to bond properly. Heating metal during the brazing process causes oxides to form on its surface. These oxides, if not removed, will prevent the filler metal from flowing entirely. A coating of flux applied before heating the joint will protect the area from exposure to the air and absorb oxides, which may form on the surface.

Because different metals produce different oxides, several flux formulations have been developed to handle these variations. Specialized fluxes are available for both low- and high-temperature brazing of silver, aluminum, nickel-silver, and bronze, as well as many soft-solder applications.

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