Trnkova 117L / 3069
CZ 628 00 Brno

Company profile

With our Mobile & Portable Machining, we provide cost-effective and budget-friendly solutions for our customers. Our cold-cutting technologies for high-productivity bevelling, heavy-duty bevelling, multi-shape bevelling, facing, clad-stripping, deburring and radiusing bring quality, flexibility and speed of execution in your manufacturing process. BEVEL carries world’s widest variety of cutting and bevelling machines for weld area preparation of plate edges and pipe-ends or for finishing jobs by mechanical deburring and radiusing on straight and curved edges. You can purchase our machines for a good return on investment, or just rent one for a specific job, and sometimes even outsource part of your bevelling. You can use our technologies as a complete edge forming solution as well as a convenient complement of laser- or plasma-cutting. For any of your possible special needs, we are open to discuss and create also customised applications, tailor-made for your specific needs. 

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